Our Vision

Our focus and understanding of identity as a faith community
can be summed up in three words…


Pursuing the Presence of God.

From Genesis through Revelation the arc of scripture paints a picture of a God who designed humanity
to experience intimate Union with his presence. We aren’t intended just to know ABOUT God,
but rather to be intimately familiar with his presence. We practice this in praying for one another,
worshiping together and cultivating an awareness of Gods nearness in all of life.


Practicing authentic relational belonging.

The first story communicated in scripture is the creation narrative.
We are told plainly that you and I are shaped in “Gods image”.  
Throughout the rest of the story of scripture we see clearly that this “image of God” is communal.
He exists as a triune community of persons: Father, Son & Holy Spirit.
His intent is that we experience the intimacy of his life-posture by knowing life as a WE, and not just a ME.
We practice many opportunities to do life together here at Tehachapi Vineyard Church
as we seek to experience and reflect the way that God himself lives.


Putting God's lavish generosity into action. 

Scripture again and again makes clear the way that God sees humanity: with great compassion. 
From the fall of humanity in Genesis 3 to the gospel narratives that unpack the life & ministry of Jesus,
we see with great clarity a God who pursues us and leans toward the space we currently inhabit
with a heart of care, concern and compassion.  He meets us in the throes of real life,  
not just to save us, but to fill us with his heart so that we may extend it to others.
He heals and fills our lives with his kindness and power that we may  both know and extend
to those around us the comfort and compassion we ourselves have received from God (2 Corinthians 1).

What we value:


When you come you're going
to hear a lot about Jesus,
we point everything back to him.


We have a low tolerance for fake religiousness. We know we're all
disasters in need of God's grace.  
So be yourself when you come.


God created diversity in the beginning, and he tells us diversity will be in eternity.  So let's do it now.


You're not a number to us. We want to share a cup of coffee with you and hear your story.


We believe that Jesus can work best when we don't try to do his job for him.  So we give lots of space for you to be in process with God wherever you're at in your journey.  No pressure.


God is a generous God and we want to be like him.  You can't outgive God.

What we believe:

 We believe in the Bible and hold to historic Christian teaching.  Augustine said it well in regard to beliefs:
“In essentials unity, in non-essentials diversity, in all things love.”  

We live this out by having boundaries to our beliefs, but our boundaries are broad and inclusive.  We want to be constantly moving toward Jesus, no matter where we're  starting from.  The Apostle Paul said  in Acts 15:19 that we should not make it difficult for those turning to God.  

That is our desire.