Compassion In Action

Compassion at Tehachapi Vineyard Church consists of a multitude of opportunities
to help meet the needs of those in dire or hurting situations.
Whether you are in need of help or what to be a part of helping those in need, please contact us.

Vineyard Mobile Meals

We serve a hot meal for anyone in need on the second and last Monday of the month  at 5:00 pm. 
We meet at different locations throughout the city.
Watch Facebook or go to our 
events page for details of the next location.
If you are interested in getting involved with serving for VMM please contact us at

Sack Lunch in California City

The Vineyard Mobile Meals trailer travels to  California City giving away sack lunches.
We usually park in the Dollar General Market parking lot at 12pm and give away food, prayer, and community.
If you are interested in serving you can contact
Paul and Michelle Desmond.

Love Tehachapi

Love Tehachapi is a local event day which is run by Denise Madden where we partner with Love Tehachapi
to serve and love on the people of Tehachapi. Keep a lookout for the next event or
Sign up at church or online to join us.

Casa De Luz

At TVC we partner with Casa De Luz Ministries, (CDL), sending people and financial help down to Mexico.
Let's hear straight from CDL on what they do.
"We are a gospel-centered community working to keep families together by providing empowerment and education as well as
ongoing support and resources to the most vulnerable single-parent families. We identify the unique needs of each of these families
and work together to create sustainable solutions and direct action so they have the ability to lift
themselves out of the generational cycles of poverty and injustice."
To find out more information about how you can get involved in helping CDL contact us at
If you would like more info on CDL you can check out their website!