Thank you for reaching out to us for spiritual care. We offer three ways to receive spiritual care.
Spiritual Companion -
We have individuals eager to walk alongside you as you deepen your relationship with Jesus or navigate challenging times. We offer listening ears, prayer, and encouragement. Additionally, we can share helpful spiritual growth practices that we’ve found valuable. You will meet with your companion three times initially, with the option to continue meeting monthly or on an as-needed basis. Virtual meetings are also available
Spiritual Direction -
Spiritual directors assist in deepening your relationship with Jesus, providing a safe space to share doubts and struggles, and guiding you through times of spiritual stagnation. They meet with you in the Lord’s presence, seeking His guidance together. Each spiritual director has scheduling and fees, and most offer virtual meetings. Spiritual Direction is a prayer practice as we look for His movement in everyday experiences and attune ourselves to His voice together–prayer! A list of recommended places to receive spiritual direction is available.
Professional Counselors -
Contact [email protected] for a referral lists.
“There is not in the world a kind of life more sweet and delightful than that of a continual conversation with God.”
Brother Lawrence